Louisville MSD reaffirms its commitment to Supplier Diversity and Community Benefits programs
Louisville MSD relaunches its Supplier Diversity Program with higher goals of inclusiveness for minority- and women-owned businesses based on results of a disparity study, which will improve the diversity of firms that receive MSD contracts and create community benefits in neighborhoods where MSD is working.
Harrods Creek repair work complete
Repair work is complete on the two previously broken sewer lines under Harrods Creek in Prospect. Both lines, along with a third installed during the repair, are now in operation.
Financial assistance plan proposed
At its May 26 board meeting, MSD proposed an Emergency Wastewater Rate Assistance Program (EWRAP) for customers who need help paying sewer bills. The program is in response to a proposed rate increase of $2.98 per month on the average MSD bill that, if approved, would take effect August 1, 2020.
Harrods Creek repairs nearing completion
Prospect sewer line repair update:
Despite numerous setbacks, including flooding of the repair site on four different occasions, repairs of the two broken sewer lines under Harrods Creek in Prospect are nearing completion.
Crews entered the 42-inch gravity pipe last week to apply a final sealant coating. The testing of this pipe was also performed. The original force main is back in service, along with the new force main that was installed alongside it during this lengthy repair.
Pipe will line Harrods Creek repairs
Prospect sewer line repair update:
Residents on the Woodlands side of the repair site may have wondered about that long flexible pipe that snaked along the ground for about 1,300-feet. It is the lining for the damaged section of the original force main. Crews have successfully pulled that pipe through to the Ken Carla side. Final connections of this new “sleeve” to the undamaged portion of the original pipe are in process.
Board approves customer payment assistance
Louisville MSD and Louisville Water Company realize that many customers are facing stressful and challenging times right now. The utilities are working together to help customers manage their water and wastewater bills. Today the Louisville MSD board approved an additional $100,000 donation to the Louisville Water Foundation for customer assistance. The Board of Water Works—the governing body for Louisville Water—will consider a similar donation request at its April meeting.
MSD COVID-19 Customer Billing Statement
Louisville MSD is taking steps to assist our customers who may be facing financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will waive new late fees until further notice for customers who are having difficulty paying their billing charges incurred during this time. Additionally, during this crisis, Louisville Water will not turn-off water service to customers who fall behind in their payments.
Harrods Creek on hold as creek levels rise
Work on repairs to sewer lines below Harrods Cree
MSD workers trade in their usual jobs to take on flood protection duties
Dozens of our co-workers left their regular jobs in engineering, communications and other departments this week to take up posts as flood pump operators at flood pumping stations along the Ohio River this week. The roster of 43 primary operators and 22 alternates was activated on February 12 to protect the city from flooding due to the rising river.