Pipe will line Harrods Creek repairs

April 24, 2020

Prospect sewer line repair update:

Residents on the Woodlands side of the repair site may have wondered about that long flexible pipe that snaked along the ground for about 1,300-feet. It is the lining for the damaged section of the original force main. Crews have successfully pulled that pipe through to the Ken Carla side. Final connections of this new “sleeve” to the undamaged portion of the original pipe are in process.

On the Ken Carla side, crews cut a section out of the top of the damaged 42-inch allowing insertion of a new smaller “sleeve” of pipe into the damaged portion. But first, crew members are working inside the 42-inch pipe to make point repairs. Then the “sleeve” will slide into place.

The newly installed force main and the pump station located in Ken Carla neighborhood are in service, allowing crews to isolate the broken pipes for inspection and repair while maintaining sewer service. All efforts continue to complete this project in early May.


Two pipes running under Harrods Creek were damaged. The larger pipe is a gravity line, meaning contents flow through this line by the force of gravity.

The other damaged pipe is a force main, meaning contents are pumped or “forced” through the pipe. 

Crews are inserting a new seamless pipe into the damaged pipes. Grouting is then applied to hold the new portions in place, making two new pipes.

COVID-19 vital services information

MSD provides vital services of wastewater treatment, stormwater drainage and flood protection for its supporting infrastructure is crucial to public health and safety, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the companies that are part of MSD’s supply chain—providing equipment, parts and labor—are essential.

MSD and its supply chain partners’ work complies with Governor Beshear’s Executive Orders and the Kentucky Emergency Operations Plan executed by the Division of Emergency Management.

Staff who can perform their jobs from home or work remotely are doing so. MSD employees and contractors whose work involves keeping sewer, drainage and flood protection systems in working order are practicing social distancing, and personal/workplace hygiene to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Updates are available on our website at LouisvilleMSD.org and on our Twitter page @LouisvilleMSD.

You may reach MSD Customer Relations at 502.540.6000.