Harrods Creek on hold as creek levels rise

February 17, 2020

Work on repairs to sewer lines below Harrods Creek is on hold until water levels in the creek recede. Repair sites on both sides of U.S. 42 are flooded. On the Ken Carla side, construction of a protective metal box that will make it possible for workers to safely make the repairs 35 feet underground was completed before the flood.

Soil excavation and bracing of the box is projected to resume the week of February 24 while crews clean up from the flood. Work to connect the recently installed new force main to the undamaged portion of the original force main on both the Ken Carla and the Woodlands sides of the stream will also resume. Once these connections are complete, the new force main will go into service, and the temporary pump station on the Woodlands property will go out of service.

Earlier this month, “flushable” wipes and rags clogged up the temporary pump on the Woodlands site. That required the purchase of parts to repair that pump along with a new “quieter” pump and use of noisy pumps until the new pump arrived. A crew member is onsite to watch water levels in the wet well and only turn the pump on when necessary in the overnight hours.

Updates are available on our website at LouisvilleMSD.org and on our Twitter page @LouisvilleMSD.

You may reach MSD Customer Relations at 502.540.6000.