
Cornerstone at the University of Louisville J.B. Speed School of Engineering

Rarely do utilities have the opportunity of consistently reach new and focused audiences that have a vested interest in learning about the benefits of their services. Louisville MSD, in partnership with the University of Louisville, has done just that with a freshman level "Cornerstone" course that is specifically geared toward combined system collection, wet weather storage, and treatment. Cornerstone students design, build, program and optimize a physical model of the system using environmental and engineering principles.

In order to make this course more sustainable, MSD also created a video focusing on how our combined sewer system works and the water quality impacts of overflow mitigation solutions that have helped make Louisville a vibrant river community.

By championing this course and video messaging, MSD is educating customers on the benefits of safe, clean waterways, developing new and innovative ways to comply with its consent decree commitments and attracting talent at a time when finding quality engineering applicants is highly competitive. Up to 480 students will take the Cornerstone course each year. Through this model, our clean water workforce has a distinct opportunity to forge purposeful connections and expand MSD's reach in a holistic and meaningful way.