The Ohio River Sweep—one of the nation’s largest and longest-running environmental cleanup events — was held Saturday, June 16. River Sweep is sponsored by the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO), and locally by MSD, Louisville Water Company and LG&E. MSD’s Rhonda Boyle-Crotzer coordinates Jefferson County’s leg of the sweep. Dane Anderson, Lynne Fleming, Kandyce Groves, Lanita Grimes, Loren Levitz, Robin Shaw and Dolly Smith were the hosts for seven locations along Beargrass Creek and the Ohio River. These sites stretch from Hays Kennedy Park, in the northeast, to Riverview Park in the southwest. MSD’s Val Winburn coordinated our crews for proper trash removal. Sheila Beard and JP Carsone organized the post-cleanup cookout for all the volunteers.
While totals for the number of volunteers or the number of dump truck loads of trash collected weren’t available at the time of publication, estimates are that records were broken. Thanks to all of the volunteers who gave their time to help the MSD mission of safe, clean waterways.