February 2019 was one of the wettest months in Louisville’s history, with heavy rainfall causing flooding from the Ohio River Valley throughout the Louisville/Jefferson County area.
During any flooding event, it is important to take precaution and follow these tips:
• Be careful walking through water. As little as 6 inches of water can cause a person to fall.
• Never drive through water, and stay away from electrical equipment and downed power lines.
• Once flooding subsides and before cleaning, take photographs of the damage for flood insurance purposes, and make a list of lost or damaged items.
• After flooding subsides, be sure to clean and disinfect anything that came into contact with floodwater; it could be contaminated by sewage and chemicals.
• Quickly remove moldy objects that cannot be saved and seal in plastic bags before disposing in the garbage. Objects that can be saved should be dried as soon as possible.
• Open all doors and windows to allow air to circulate and dry out your home. Use dehumidifiers as soon as possible.
If your home is located in a floodplain, you will need to apply for a floodplain permit before rebuilding. A floodplain permit is required for any work in the floodplain. To obtain a floodplain permit, visit MSD’s Main Office at 700 W Liberty Street. You must bring a copy of your flood insurance claim or an itemized contractor’s estimate of the repair work.
For more information about permitting, safety, flood insurance, and how to prepare for the next flood, go to: http://louisvillemsd.org/programs/programs-and-projects/floodplain-mana….