Work expected to resume on Harrods Creek repairs

After the flooding
December 23, 2019

Floodwaters that delayed repair work on a sewer line in Prospect over the weekend have receded and crews are now clearing out mud to regain access to the site behind Harrods Run Road and Timber Creek Court.

That will allow them to resume bracing the steel safety enclosure constructed to protect workers as they make the repair 35-feet below ground level on a section of the 30-inch force main that runs under Harrods Creek. In the meantime, MSD will extend cameras into the hole to attempt a visual assessment of the damage to the pipe. 

Temporary pumps were installed last week to keep the wastewater flowing inside the sewer system and avoid additional overflows into Harrods Creek. MSD will continue onsite monitoring of the pumping system 24 hours a day through the Christmas holiday.

There will be no interruption of sewer service during the repair operation. Residents should avoid contact with Harrods Creek from the Harrods Run Road area to the Ohio River.

If you have questions or concerns, please call MSD Customer Relations at 502.540.6000. Someone will take your call 24/7.


A break in a 30-inch force main in the Prospect area was initially confirmed on Monday, November 25. Contractors unearthed sections of the pipe that are 10 feet below the surface and determined the break was in a significantly deeper part of the pipe.

The break is in a section of the 30-inch force main that runs near and 35-feet under Harrods Creek behind Harrods Run Road and Timber Creek Court.

It is essential to reduce flow from the pipe for the repair to go forward. MSD is dewatering the pipe at the construction site by using tanker trucks and a temporary treatment containment unit at an MSD pumping station located in the Ken Carla Subdivision. Drivers should use caution in the area of U.S. 42 and Ken Carla Drive due to the traffic from these tanker trucks.

MSD stopped the overflow of sewage into Harrods Creek, but not before 1,050,000 gallons of sewer water entered the stream. All regulatory agencies have been notified. The public should continue to avoid contact with the creek from the Harrods Run Road area to the Ohio River.

MSD customers will not see any problems with their sewer service.

Force mains are pipelines that move wastewater under pressure from the discharge side of a pump or pneumatic ejector to a water quality treatment center.