Clifton CSO Construction Site Floods During Weekend

February 26, 2018

The construction site for the Clifton Combined Sewer Overflow basin flooded over the weekend, an occurrence that MSD expected because the basin is on the river side of the flood protection system. The design of the basin will be such that, when completed, it will still function under these conditions.

Basins such as this one are designed to retain the mixture of rainwater and sewage until rain subsides, and then gradually release it back into the sewer system for treatment. Otherwise, rainwater can enter the sewer system during rain events and cause a mixture of sewage and rainwater to flow untreated into our waterways.

Since 1997, MSD has built more than 1 billion gallons of stormwater storage, which helps protect hundreds of homes in wet weather, protect local waterways from combined sewer overflows and promote public health. This is Louisville’s wettest February on record in 135 years.

The contractors were able to get all of their equipment out to high ground before the inundation, though there is still a boom for the crane in the water. That was left because it could endure the water with no damage.

When the water goes down, MSD will assess any damage. It is not yet known if the flooding will have any impact on the basin’s schedule and completion date.