Before & After a Flood

Be Prepared

Floods are the most severe natural disaster in Louisville Metro according to the Louisville Metro Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan. Flooding can occur from the Ohio River, interior streams, or a dam or levee failure. River floods generally develop slowly over several days or weeks, but flash floods from heavy rains or a dam or levee failure can occur in just a few minutes. Everyone should be aware of the flood hazards and be prepared.

Before a Flood

  • Have a Disaster supply kit.
  • Make a Family Plan and a Pet Plan.
  • Have a Safe Place to Go.
  • Get flood insurance. Go to for flood insurance information.
  • If you live in the floodplain or a floodprone area, elevate your mechanicals, such as the air conditioner, furnace, water heater and electric panel at least two feet above the flood elevation.
  • If you have problems with basement flooding, check out MSD’s free Plumbing Modification Program.
  • Make sure your yard is sloped away from your home so that water is directed safely away from or around your home during rain events.
  • If your home floods frequently, consider elevating the home so that the first floor is at least two feet above the floodplain elevation. This option is expensive, but greatly reduces your risk and will likely reduce your flood insurance costs.
  • If your home is on a crawl space, flood vents should be installed in the foundation to allow the water to flow through the building and not build up hydrostatic pressure, which can cause damage to the foundation. One square inch of flood vent is required for every square foot of floor space to meet FEMA requirements. Adding flood vents to meet this requirement may lower your flood insurance costs if you do not currently have the required amount of vents and your home is on a crawl space. Check with your insurance agent to find out if adding flood vents could lower your flood insurance cost.
  • If water is entering the basement windows, glass blocks can be installed to better seal the windows.
  • If feasible, construct barriers to stop floodwaters from entering buildings and seal walls in basements with waterproofing compounds.
  • If you have enough warning, move furniture, rugs, and other belongings to higher floors or another safer location.
  • Store irreplaceable items and valuables in an area safe from flooding.
  • If you have enough warning and can do it safely, move vehicles to higher ground.
  • Keep debris out of ditches and streams. To report a blockage in a stream, call MSD Customer Service at 540-6000.

MSD can offer flood protection advice. An MSD staff person can speak with you by phone or meet you at your property to give you advice on what could be done to mitigate flooding. MSD can also offer advice on financial assistance that may be available related to floodplain issues.  To request assistance, contact us at

  • For flooding and drainage problems or basement backup prevention, contact customer service at 540-6000.
  • For questions about flood insurance, increased cost of compliance, or grant programs, call 540-6148 or email  

Additional Links 


After a Flood

  • If you have flood insurance, call your insurance agent to file a claim.
  • Before entering your home, check for structural damage.
  • Take photos of floodwater in your home and save any damaged personal property.
  • Make a list of damaged or lost items and include their purchase date and value with receipts. Some damaged items may require disposal, so keep photographs of these items.
  • Keep power off until an electrician has inspected your system for safety.
  • Boil water for drinking and food preparation until authorities tell you that your water supply is safe.
  • Prevent mold by removing wet contents immediately.
  • Wear gloves and boots to clean and disinfect. Wet items should be cleaned with a pine-oil cleanser and bleach, completely dried, and monitored for several days for any fungal growth and odors.
  • Get a floodplain permit from MSD before rebuilding.

Selecting a Contractor

MSD recommends you always check on a contractor’s history before signing a contract. Visit, call, or go online and inquire the Better Business Bureau about a company. 

Better Business Bureau: 

Inquire directly online about a firm or company, at
The Better Business Bureau
844 S. 4th Street
Louisville, KY 40203 –2186 

Building Industry Association

Are you looking for a Registered Builder or Registered Remodeler? 
The Building Industry Association of Greater Louisville has a list of Registered Builders and Registered Remodelers in the Louisville area.
Building Industry Association of Greater Louisville
Phone: (502) 429-6000