Can become aggressive in moist, sandy soils. It is not drought-tolerant and does not do well in polluted areas or small areas which limit root development. It grows rapidly and is long-lived, adapting to a variety of sites. It is susceptible to iron chlorosis in soil which is too basic. Plant only in spring as roots; they take 3-4 months to recover from the shock of transplanting. Fall foliage is yellow, orange, purple and red, and will become colorful even without cold temperatures. Gum balls mature to dark brown and usually remain on the tree through the winter, but can create clean- up problems during the general period of December through April as the clusters fall to the ground and do not decompose. Because of this, “Fruitless" cultivars such as Liquidamber styracifula “Rotundiloba" are recommended for urban applications. Attracts birds.