Zimpro Elimination Odor Survey Project
A monitoring program has been initiated prior to shutdown of the Zimpro process. The purpose of this monitoring is to verify that odors are significantly reduced as a result of Zimpro odor elimination. For more information on the Zimpro process and it's elimination refer to the Alternative Solids Process (ASP).
For copies of the weekly monitoring reports, click one of the following:
With Zimpro:
After Zimpro has been eliminated:
Bioroughing Tower Startup Data - Part 1
Bioroughing Tower Startup – Part 2
Bioroughing Tower Startup Odor Survey Project
In April 1995, Bioroughing Towers were placed into full operation at the Morris Forman WWTP. (Bioroughing Towers are concrete towers filled with plastic media which act as high-rate roughing filters for the removal of organic material from the wastewater.) In December 1995, the media in the Bioroughing Towers collapsed. During time of operation, odors detected off-site were sometimes attributed to the Bioroughing Towers. Therefore, as a part of the Bioroughing Tower reconstruction project, plans were made to cover the towers and treat the air to remove the odorous compounds. In order to verify the effectiveness of the odor control technology, this Community Odor Survey project was initiated to document odor levels in the community before and after the Biotower scrubbers were started up.
The Odor Survey project was initiated in April 1999. The Bioroughing Towers (with odor control) were started up in March 2000. Webster Environmental Associates, Inc. performed the monitoring and assessment of the odors on a weekly basis from April 1, 1999 through the end of 2000. There are 11 monitoring points in the community around the Morris Forman WWTP site (view community site locations map) and there are 7 monitoring points on the Morris Forman WWTP property (view WWTP site locations map).
Overviews of the results have been presented to interested people, including members of the West County Task Force Committee and the Park DuValle Neighborhood Association. Results from this survey project show that no new odors were detected after Bioroughing Towers and scrubbers were started.
View a brief overview of the project details (Webster’s powerpoint presentation).
For more information on this project, contact us.