Plumbing Modification Program


Backflow Prevention

If you have experienced a rain-related sewer backup through a basement-plumbing fixture—floor drain, shower, toilet or sink—or live in an area of documented wet-weather backups, MSD’s Plumbing Modification Program can help.

To date, backflow prevention devices have helped more than 17,000 customers protect their basements from sewer backups. If approved, MSD will pay a licensed plumbing contractor to install the overflow prevention devices to your plumbing layout.

To get started with Backflow Prevention

If you have any questions or would like more info on the Plumbing Modification Program, contact Customer Relations at 502.540.6000 or

Get a copy of our Plumbing Modification Program Brochure!

Private Property Illicit Discharge Program

Sump Pump Disconnection

The Private Property Illicit Discharge Program holds down costs by keeping clear water that doesn't need to be treated out of the sewer system. It is illegal for basement sump pumps to be connected to the sewer system. The Illicit Discharge Program will pay the costs, to a limited amount, for homeowners to disconnect sump pumps from the system. Find out more.