Executive Director Tony Parrott gives his point of view

May 24, 2017
Tony Parrott

Louisville MSD Executive Director Tony Parrott gave his Point of View on Louisville's infrastructure issues, and the Critical Repair & Reinvestment Plan that has been developed to address it, to WDRB on Friday, May 19. 

You can watch his Guest POV here.

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MSD hosts information session for contractors

April 27, 2017
information session

On April 27, Louisville MSD hosted prospective contractors, including Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs), at an Information Session concerning the Ohio River Tunnel Project, a 2.5-mile tunnel approximately 200 feet below the surface. MSD personnel outlined the schedule for the project, encouraging contractors to submit bids once the work is advertised. 

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MSD Executive Director writes op-ed on infrastructure needs

April 26, 2017
sewer collapse

MSD Executive Director Tony Parrott has written an opinion piece for the Courier-Journal, which has been published on their website and in the April 26th issue. Parrott addresses Louisville's need to invest in critical wastewater, stormwater and flood protection infrastructure in order to protect our community from risks associated with aging infrastructure. 

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MSD Participates in Mayor's Give A Day

April 20, 2017
MSD employees generously contributed their time to Louisville Metro Mayor Greg Fischer’s sixth annual “Give A Day” week of public service, April 15-23. MSD personnel, who were joined in some events by Louisville Water and Stantec employees, demonstrated their compassion for our community by taking part in volunteer projects:
  • Cleanup of the streets in the Main Office area
  • Rain garden workshop at Maupin Elementary School

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Value of Water — MSD Executive Director Tony Parrott speaks at Congressional Hearing

March 22, 2017
tony parrott d.c.

Washington, DC, March 22, 2017—The Value of Water Campaign today released an economic impact analysis it commissioned to understand how investments in the nation’s water infrastructure affects economic growth and employment. The report release coincides with World Water Day and Water Week, global and national efforts to draw attention to the need to invest in water infrastructure. The report, "The Economic Benefits of Investing in Water Infrastructure" will be shared for the first time today, World Water Day, at a briefing on Capitol Hill.

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Tony Parrott Speaks to Intergovernmental Affairs Committee

March 20, 2017
tony parrott

MSD Executive Director Tony Parrott spoke to the Louisville Metro Council Intergovernmental Affairs Committee on March 14, laying out MSD's Critical Repair & Reinvestment Plan. Footage of this presentation can be viewed at http://louisville.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=4972

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MSD co-hosts Joint Utility Reception

March 17, 2017
joint utility reception

On March 16, MSD co-hosted the 14th Annual Joint Utility Reception "Window of Opportunity" in collaboration with strategic partners—Louisville Water Company, LG&E KU Energy, LLC and Louisville Metro Government. The primary objectives of the reception were to encourage economic inclusion, expand supplier base, foster innovation with increased competition and cultivate economic development.

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MSD engineers honored by KSPE

March 09, 2017

Congratulations to the following MSD employees who received awards from the Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers (KSPE)

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MSD signs collective bargaining agreement

February 27, 2017

Louisville MSD management, MSD's Board and the National Association of Government Employees (NAGE) Local R5-189 ratified a five-year Collective Bargaining Agreement on Monday, February 27, at MSD's regular Board meeting. NAGE Local R5-189 is the bargaining agent for non-supervisory staff in several positions in the Treatment I and II, Collections, Floodwall and Fleet departments.

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Executive Director Tony Parrott speaks with 89.3 WFPL

February 27, 2017
Tony Parrott

Throughout January and February, Louisville MSD has presented its infrastructure needs to the community through the Critical Repair and Reinvestment Plan.

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