Insulated added to reduce noise at Harrods Creek repair site

December 27, 2019

MSD today took steps to further reduce noise disturbance from the temporary pumps used to route wastewater around the sewer repair site behind Harrods Run Road and Timber Creek Court in Prospect. Insulation was added to the roof of the pump house and more straw bales were placed around the perimeter of the site. The insulation and additional straw will reduce the amount of noise escaping the pump site.

We also changed from automatic pump activation, triggered by changes in water levels, to manual operation. While total pumping time will remain about the same, manual switching will lower the number of on/off cycles and resulting sound shocks.

These added measures will further dampen noise generated by these pumps, but they will not eliminate the noise. We will stop operating the temporary pumps as possible. In the meantime, construction of the steel safety enclosure that will protect workers as they repair a section of the 30-inch force main that runs 35-feet below ground under Harrods Creek will continue through the weekend.

Sewer service will continue uninterrupted during the repair operation. But residents should avoid contact with Harrods Creek from the Harrods Run Road area to the Ohio River.

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