;; ;; AutoCAD Linetype Definition file ;; Version 3.0 ;; Copyright (C) 1991-2009 by Autodesk, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ;; ;; Note: in order to ease migration of this file when upgrading ;; to a future version of AutoCAD, it is recommended that you add ;; your customizations to the User Defined Linetypes section at the ;; end of this file. ;; *BORDER,Border __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . A,.5,-.25,.5,-.25,0,-.25 *BORDER2,Border (.5x) __.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__. A,.25,-.125,.25,-.125,0,-.125 *BORDERX2,Border (2x) ____ ____ . ____ ____ . ___ A,1.0,-.5,1.0,-.5,0,-.5 *CENTER,Center ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ A,1.25,-.25,.25,-.25 *CENTER2,Center (.5x) ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ A,.75,-.125,.125,-.125 *CENTERX2,Center (2x) ________ __ ________ __ _____ A,2.5,-.5,.5,-.5 *DASHDOT,Dash dot __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ A,.5,-.25,0,-.25 *DASHDOT2,Dash dot (.5x) _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. A,.25,-.125,0,-.125 *DASHDOTX2,Dash dot (2x) ____ . ____ . ____ . ___ A,1.0,-.5,0,-.5 *DASHED,Dashed __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ A,.5,-.25 *DASHED2,Dashed (.5x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A,.25,-.125 *DASHEDX2,Dashed (2x) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ A,1.0,-.5 *DIVIDE,Divide ____ . . ____ . . ____ . . ____ . . ____ A,.5,-.25,0,-.25,0,-.25 *DIVIDE2,Divide (.5x) __..__..__..__..__..__..__..__.._ A,.25,-.125,0,-.125,0,-.125 *DIVIDEX2,Divide (2x) ________ . . ________ . . _ A,1.0,-.5,0,-.5,0,-.5 *DOT,Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A,0,-.25 *DOT2,Dot (.5x) ........................................ A,0,-.125 *DOTX2,Dot (2x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A,0,-.5 *HIDDEN,Hidden __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ A,.25,-.125 *HIDDEN2,Hidden (.5x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A,.125,-.0625 *HIDDENX2,Hidden (2x) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ A,.5,-.25 *PHANTOM,Phantom ______ __ __ ______ __ __ ______ A,1.25,-.25,.25,-.25,.25,-.25 *PHANTOM2,Phantom (.5x) ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ A,.625,-.125,.125,-.125,.125,-.125 *PHANTOMX2,Phantom (2x) ____________ ____ ____ _ A,2.5,-.5,.5,-.5,.5,-.5 ;; ;; ISO 128 (ISO/DIS 12011) linetypes ;; ;; The size of the line segments for each defined ISO line, is ;; defined for an usage with a pen width of 1 mm. To use them with ;; the other ISO predefined pen widths, the line has to be scaled ;; with the appropriate value (e.g. pen width 0,5 mm -> ltscale 0.5). ;; *ACAD_ISO02W100,ISO dash __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ A,12,-3 *ACAD_ISO03W100,ISO dash space __ __ __ __ __ __ A,12,-18 *ACAD_ISO04W100,ISO long-dash dot ____ . ____ . ____ . ____ . _ A,24,-3,0,-3 *ACAD_ISO05W100,ISO long-dash double-dot ____ .. ____ .. ____ . A,24,-3,0,-3,0,-3 *ACAD_ISO06W100,ISO long-dash triple-dot ____ ... ____ ... ____ A,24,-3,0,-3,0,-3,0,-3 *ACAD_ISO07W100,ISO dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A,0,-3 *ACAD_ISO08W100,ISO long-dash short-dash ____ __ ____ __ ____ _ A,24,-3,6,-3 *ACAD_ISO09W100,ISO long-dash double-short-dash ____ __ __ ____ A,24,-3,6,-3,6,-3 *ACAD_ISO10W100,ISO dash dot __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . A,12,-3,0,-3 *ACAD_ISO11W100,ISO double-dash dot __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ _ A,12,-3,12,-3,0,-3 *ACAD_ISO12W100,ISO dash double-dot __ . . __ . . __ . . __ . . A,12,-3,0,-3,0,-3 *ACAD_ISO13W100,ISO double-dash double-dot __ __ . . __ __ . . _ A,12,-3,12,-3,0,-3,0,-3 *ACAD_ISO14W100,ISO dash triple-dot __ . . . __ . . . __ . . . _ A,12,-3,0,-3,0,-3,0,-3 *ACAD_ISO15W100,ISO double-dash triple-dot __ __ . . . __ __ . . A,12,-3,12,-3,0,-3,0,-3,0,-3 ;; Complex linetypes ;; ;; Complex linetypes have been added to this file. ;; These linetypes were defined in LTYPESHP.LIN in ;; Release 13, and are incorporated in ACAD.LIN in ;; Release 14. ;; ;; These linetype definitions use LTYPESHP.SHX. ;; *FENCELINE1,Fenceline circle ----0-----0----0-----0----0-----0-- A,.25,-.1,[CIRC1,ltypeshp.shx,x=-.1,s=.1],-.1,1 *FENCELINE2,Fenceline square ----[]-----[]----[]-----[]----[]--- A,.25,-.1,[BOX,ltypeshp.shx,x=-.1,s=.1],-.1,1 *TRACKS,Tracks -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- A,.15,[TRACK1,ltypeshp.shx,s=.25],.15 *BATTING,Batting SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS A,.0001,-.1,[BAT,ltypeshp.shx,x=-.1,s=.1],-.2,[BAT,ltypeshp.shx,r=180,x=.1,s=.1],-.1 *HOT_WATER_SUPPLY,Hot water supply ---- HW ---- HW ---- HW ---- A,.5,-.2,["HW",STANDARD,S=.1,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-.05],-.2 *GAS_LINE,Gas line ----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS-- A,.5,-.2,["GAS",STANDARD,S=.1,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-.05],-.25 *ZIGZAG,Zig zag /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ A,.0001,-.2,[ZIG,ltypeshp.shx,x=-.2,s=.2],-.4,[ZIG,ltypeshp.shx,r=180,x=.2,s=.2],-.2 ;; User Defined Linetypes ;; ;; Add any linetypes that you define to this section of ;; the file to ensure that they migrate properly when ;; upgrading to a future AutoCAD version. If duplicate ;; linetype definitions are found in this file, items ;; in the User Defined Linetypes section take precedence ;; over definitions that appear earlier in the file. ;; *ESMT, Easement -------- -------- -------- A,.4,-.2 *ESMT2, Easement (.5x) ---- ---- ---- ---- A,.2,-.1 *ESMT3, Easement (.33x) --- --- --- --- --- --- A,.133,-.067 *FENCE, Fenceline X----X----X----X----X----X----X---- A,.25,-.15,["X",STANDARD,S=0.1,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.05 *E-GRND, Existing Ground -------- -------- -------- A,.4,-.2 *E-GRND2, Exisitng Ground (.5x) ---- ---- ---- ---- A,.2,-.1 *RIGHT_OF_WAY, ROW ------ -- -- ------ -- -- ------ A,1.15,-.15,.15,-.15,.15,-.15 *PROP_LINE, Property Line ---- - - ---- - - ---- A,.8,-.12,.12,-.12,.12,-.12 *SF, Proposed Silt Fence ----SF----SF----SF---- A,.75,-.2,["SF",STANDARD,S=0.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.2 *RSF, Proposed Silt Fence ----RSF----RSF----RSF---- A,.75,-.2,["RSF",STANDARD,S=0.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.2 *RR, Existing Railroad Tracks -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- A,.125,["|",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],.125 *DITCH, Ditch Line <---...<---...<---...<---...<---... A,.000007,[ARROW-2,LINETYPE,s=1,r=360],-.15,.3,-.075,0,-.075,0,-.075,0,-.075 *CREEK, Edge of Water ---...---...---...---...---... A,.3,-.075,0,-.075,0,-.075,0,-.075 *FLOOD, FEMA Flood Plain ----..----..----..----..----.. A,.4,-.08,0,-.08,0,-.08 *TREELINE, Tree Line left side UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU A,0,-.13,[TREE,AECCLAND,S=.13],-.12 *TREELINE-REVERSE, Tree Line right side nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn A,0,-.13,[TREE,AECCLAND,S=.13,R=180],-.12 *PCW, Permanent Clean Water <---PCW<---PCW<--- A,.000007,[ARROW-2,LINETYPE,s=1,r=360],-.15,.3,-.2,["PCW",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.2 *TCW, Temporary Clean Water <---TCW<---TCW<--- A,.000007,[ARROW-2,LINETYPE,s=1,r=360],-.15,.3,-.2,["TCW",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.2 *TSL, Temporary Sediment Laden <---TSL<---TSL<--- A,.000007,[ARROW-2,LINETYPE,s=1,r=360],-.15,.3,-.2,["TSL",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.2 *E-OHC, Existing Overhead Cable ----OHC----OHC----OHC---- A,.75,-.2,["OHC",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *E-UGC, Existing Underground Cable -- --UGC-- --UGC-- -- A,.25,-.25,.25,-.2,["UGC",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *E-OHE, Existing Overhead Electric ----OHE----OHE----OHE---- A,.75,-.2,["OHE",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *E-UGE, Existing Underground Electric -- --UGE-- --UGE-- -- A,.25,-.25,.25,-.2,["UGE",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *E-GAS, Existing Underground Gas -- -- --G-- -- --G-- -- -- A,.25,-.15,.25,-.15,.25,-.2,["G",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.1 *E-GAS-4, Existing Underground Gas -- -- --4"G-- -- --4"G-- -- -- A,.25,-.15,.25,-.15,.25,-.2,["4''G",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.1 *E-GAS-6, Existing Underground Gas -- -- --6"G-- -- --6"G-- -- -- A,.25,-.15,.25,-.15,.25,-.2,["6''G",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.1 *E-GAS-8, Existing Underground Gas -- -- --8"G-- -- --8"G-- -- -- A,.25,-.15,.25,-.15,.25,-.2,["8''G",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.1 *E-OHT, Existing Overhead Telephone ----OHT----OHT----OHT---- A,.75,-.2,["OHT",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *E-UGT, Existing Underground Telephone -- --UGT-- --UGT-- -- A,.25,-.25,.25,-.2,["UGT",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *E-WATER, Existing Underground Water -- -- --W-- -- --W-- -- -- A,.25,-.15,.25,-.15,.25,-.2,["W",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.1 *E-WATER-4, Existing Underground Water -- -- --4"W-- -- --4"W-- -- -- A,.25,-.15,.25,-.15,.25,-.2,["4''W",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *E-WATER-8, Existing Underground Water -- -- --8"W-- -- --8"W-- -- -- A,.25,-.15,.25,-.15,.25,-.2,["8''W",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *E-WATER-24, Existing Underground Water -- -- --24"W-- -- --24"W-- -- -- A,.25,-.15,.25,-.15,.25,-.2,["24''W",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.35 *E-FM, Existing Force Main -- -- --EX. FM-- -- --EX. FM-- -- -- A,.25,-.15,.25,-.15,.25,-.2,["EX. FM",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.1 *E-FM-8, Existing 8" Force Main -- -- --EX. 8" FM-- -- --EX. 8" FM-- -- -- A,.25,-.15,.25,-.15,.25,-.2,["EX. 8'' FM",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.1 *P-OHC, Proposed Overhead Cable ----OHC----OHC----OHC---- A,.75,-.2,["OHC",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *P-UGC, Proposed Underground Cable ----UGC----UGC----UGC---- A,.75,-.2,["UGC",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *P-OHE, Proposed Overhead Electric ----OHE----OHE----OHE---- A,.75,-.2,["OHE",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *P-UGE, Proposed Underground Electric ----UGE----UGE----UGE---- A,.75,-.2,["UGE",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *P-GAS, Proposed Underground Gas ----G----G----G---- A,.75,-.2,["G",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.1 *P-OHT, Proposed Overhead Telephone ----OHT----OHT----OHT---- A,.75,-.2,["OHT",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *P-UGT, Proposed Underground Telephone ----UGT----UGT----UGT---- A,.75,-.2,["UGT",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.25 *P-WATER, Proposed Underground Water ----W----W----W---- A,.75,-.2,["W",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.1 *P-FM, Proposed Force Main ----FM----FM----FM---- A,.75,-.2,["FM",STANDARD,S=.08,R=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-0.05],-.2